Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Want To Make Your Head Explode...Again?"

I've become very intrigued with the theory posted at the Doc Arzt coverage of the Octagon Global Recruiting video which involves a 30-year time span difference. A poster named WLM put down an excellent approach to laying out the ramifications of what was said in that video by Dr. Candle/Chang, which could really mesh with what we've seen so far on Lost.

Here's how WLM puts it: "Chang mentions the Kerr Metric, which if you look on Wikipedia, the following paragraph could relate to what happened to the Island. "Even stranger phenomena can be observed within the innermost region of this spacetime, such as some forms of time travel. For example, the Kerr metric permits closed, time-like loops in which a band of travelers' returns to the same place after moving for a finite time by their own clock; however, they return to the same place and time, as seen by an outside observer." I suspect the Island will return to the same place and time as it was when it vanished, yet days, months or years may have passed for anyone on or near the Island."

This Kerr Metric theory is really complicated, but includes the possibility of a spacetime spheres (if I understand it correctly) which allows a sphere of existence within an outside area of existence. Here the inner area could have a different spacetime, while the outer area retains it's current spacetime. Also according to the Wiki: "...the Kerr metric describes the geometry of spacetime around a rotating massive body." That rotating body might just be our island, when the conditions are "right". I know, it's weird, and even more dizzying than that because it includes spinning black holes and I'm not even too clear on regular black holes yet! But as I am wont to do, I'm trying to locate some graphics that can assist with comprehension.

BTW, all this involves an "ergosphere": "...a region located outside a rotating black hole. Within the ergosphere, spacetime is dragged along in the direction of the rotation of the black hole at a speed greater than the speed of light in relation to the rest of the universe." Could this ergosphere actually be our mysteriously unstable, and often stormy, island barrier that has to be traversed via an exact bearing? In the following illustration, the ergosphere is adjacent to the event horizon, i.e., the point of no return at the edge of the black hole. And as a secondary thought, does turning the Wheel initiate the spinning black hole? Just wondering. I must say, TPTB have their work cut out for them after revealing this explosive tidbit this summer.

And, do the concentric circles in the Orchid video pertain to the inner sphere area of the spinning black hole in the Kerr Metric? Update: WLN has said this about that: "The Island has not moved in place, only in time. Think of a sphere, with many concentric circles. The outer most circle is "now." Each inner circle is a different time line, the closer to the center, the further back in time. Jack and others are on the outer most circle. Locke and others are on the next band closer to the center, 30 years in the past. But the WHOLE circle sits in the same physical spot. These are timelines, not time places." It sounds very like the Orchid logo to me! I think that TPTB just gave us a really huge hint.

This formula makes sense too, right? Heheh, just kidding. P.S. Much thanks to Ellen for bringing this theory to our attention over at the TLC ARG blog. :-)


Ellen said...

Capcom, this is a great post! Very informative. I think you're right about this unfolding with time!
Working on a massive theory post right now, thanks again for the link to lostpedia @ TLA...

Capcom said...

Thanks Ellen! I'm really excited aoobut the possiblity of this ergosphere possibly turning out to be that confounded stormy barrier.